What is the CAPANET capacity planning & data collection platform?

The CAPANET ™ capacity planning & data collection platform allows users to collect fully compliant, payment by results data in a secure online setting at patient level. It offers local and regional intuitive dashboards to assist in resource planning. CAPANET ™ allows individual hospitals to capture “if required” in an efficient manner the full Paediatric Critical Care Minimum Dataset (PCCMDS).

Real-time bed availability dashboards and data analytics

Online PCCMDS & HRG4 data collection tool

Securely hosted on HSCN

About Us

Supported by NHS England and developed by the Royal Brompton Hospital, the CAPANET ™ platform provides patient level recording of mandatory data sets for hospitals on a secure network.

Knowing the importance of the clinicians time, CAPANET ™ was designed to maximise the quality of the data recorded while minimising the time needed to collect it.

Fully supported infrastructure gives peace of mind

Easy reporting at local, regional and national levels

Suited for level 1 and 2 care providers and regional commissioning bodies

Real-time data availability


Use the data your unit collects to justify the care your team deliver with our easy to use online system

Complete PCCMDS dataset including exports

Export your data with ease for national reporting purposes

Regular Updates

Our team will automatically update the platform to meet regulatory requirements or data set changes

Intuitive Design

User-friendly by design, your daily data collection can take seconds to complete

Rock Solid Security

Safety is our priority so GATHER ™ is only available to valid NHS users on the HSCN network only

Ready To Work Smarter?